Tuesday, June 30, 2009

pañuelo of the day: June 30, 2009

This is me, exhausted, in my sand-colored Buzz Off, mosquito-repelling scarf. The cinder block walls make it look like I'm in prison, when actually I am in my dorm room: 313, the same room I had in college. The group shower is down the hall; the bathroom is next door. The bed is a twin bed; the school-issued blanket has holes. A window fan cools the room, but just a little. The rain is much more effective. Despite the challenges, I sleep well at night, because I am plain old wiped out. Speaking of which, I'm signing off now. Good night, folks.


mojee said...

hang in there christy. the same room number is interesting. deja vous.

Joanne said...

Well, I know you've slept in worse places... How about a photo of those maple trees said to exist in that there part of the world?